Sticking to the plan is key, it won't happen overnight but it will happen
Thankfully we are seeing a lot more people taking an interest in their bone health. Here is an example of how one of our patients stuck to a plan and got a positive outcome. We had a lot of work to do to build confidence in this patient, she did not really want to be lifting heavy weights as she was scared of hurting herself. She also had significant balance issues that needing addressing as reducing falls risk is one of the best ways to reduce fracture risk in addition to bone health.
At Out of the Box Physio we love helping our clients achieve great outcomes and when they do, we love to celebrate them and this result was definitely one that made us smile.
Client L came to us wanting some help with her bone mineral density. She had long been battling with poor bone health and was classified as being at a high risk of fracture (Osteoporosis) in her lumbar spine. She was on medications prescribed by her GP but things were not improving. Client L was doing some home based exercise including Pilates and some light weights but she was not happy with her progress.
At the start of the new year we changed things up. Client L started working with us in our Friday morning physio conditioning sessions. We started focusing more on strength training using movements such as leg press, deadlifts, chest press, stationary bike etc.
We are extremely excited to report that in her recent bone mineral density review, Client L had a 3.1% ⬆️ increase in her lumbar spine bone density and an 11% ⬆️ increase in her femoral neck bone density. The only difference in her management since her previous scan in 2016 was the commencement of our strength and conditioning routine. It is important to note that Client L has been extremely committed to her progress and has been highly consistent with her routine and in working with us. Needless to say, all involved are extremely happy with such an excellent result.
Client L is now considered only a moderate risk of fracture in her lumbar spine.
If you want to improve your bone health, reach out to us and we can talk you through how results like this might be achieved for you. We have a range of options, from one on one, to group based exercise programs. The sooner you get started, the sooner we can start to help you turn things around.